Saudi Arabia's AI Vision
At the heart of Saudi Arabia's AI strategy lies Vision 2030, the blueprint for reducing oil dependence and building a thriving, diversified economy. AI plays a crucial role in this vision. in recent years the Saudi government has made significant strides in creating an environment conducive to AI development. Setting a model AI driven eco-system.
AI & the Uncanny Valley
The uncanny valley is an unsettling feeling people have when a robot or AI appears to be almost human, but has something about it which is still clearly artificial. The original concept came from a 1970 essay by the Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori, who argued that can robots become unlikeable if they are too humanlike.
How AI is being regulated
Countries globally have generally given as much support to AI as possible, while cautiously reviewing their existing regulations. E.g. Saudi Arabia set a 2030 target to realize its AI ambitions, which it is folding into its ongoing Vision 2030 plans to diversify its economy. reportedly planning to invest USD 40 billion in AI.
Is AI being overhyped?
Sceptics believe the whole AI industry is overhyped, and that parallels can be drawn to the dot-com bubble. Optimists believe historic patterns of hype and disappointment are misleading, as AI research was sound, but held back by the limited computing power and available datasets of the time.
Ethics & AI Adoption
If you are considering implementing AI software in your company, you need to understand the ethical challenges that come from weaknesses in the AI models themselves, how they impact existing employees, client confidentiality, potential plagiarism, and a growing public backlash.