ai ethics statement


At KEYS AI, we recognize the disruptive power of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on society. As responsible practitioners, we commit to upholding ethical standards in all our AI-related activities. This statement outlines our principles, guidelines, and commitments to ensure the responsible development, deployment, and use of AI technologies.


  • We pledge to be transparent about our AI systems’ capabilities, limitations, and decision-making processes. We will provide clear explanations to users, clients, and stakeholders regarding how AI models arrive at their conclusions.

  • We strive to eliminate bias and discrimination in AI systems. Our models will be designed to treat all individuals fairly, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics. Regular audits and assessments will be conducted to identify and rectify biases in our AI algorithms.

  • We respect user privacy and adhere to data protection regulations. Personal data collected for AI purposes will be handled securely and with informed consent. Anonymization and privacy-preserving techniques will be employed whenever possible.

  • We take responsibility for the impact of our AI solutions. Clear lines of accountability will be established within our organization. Ethical review boards will oversee AI projects, ensuring alignment with our principles.


  • We prioritize human well-being and societal benefit in AI design. Our solutions will enhance human capabilities, not replace them. User feedback and input will guide our development process.

  • We commit to building safe and robust AI systems. Rigorous testing and validation will be conducted to prevent unintended consequences. Fail-safes and emergency procedures will be in place to handle unexpected behavior.

  • We actively collaborate with other organizations, researchers, and policymakers to advance AI ethics. We contribute to the broader AI community by sharing best practices and lessons learned.


Our commitment to AI ethics is ongoing. We will adapt to evolving norms, research findings, and societal needs. Regular training and awareness programs will keep our team informed about ethical considerations.


While we strive to create reliable and robust AI systems, we acknowledge that no technology is entirely risk-free. Our liability is limited to the scope of our services. We will work with clients to define clear boundaries and responsibilities. Clients are encouraged to seek legal advice regarding product liability and insurance coverage.

AI ETHICS Guidance

As the dialogue around AI ethics continues to evolve, we closely follow the work of :

AlgorithmWatch: This non-profit focuses on an explainable and traceable algorithm and decision process in AI programs. more +

AI Now Institute: This non-profit at New York University researches the social implications of artificial intelligence. more+

CHAI: The Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence is a cooperation of various institutes and universities to promote trustworthy AI and provable beneficial systems. more +